Carol Baby
High School Confidential (secretary)
Stadium High School years were the best of the best. I attended from the Fall of 1961 to June 1964.
Being a sophomore was another major change in our lives. So many guys to choose from and they had cars. LOL
My favorite was the '57 Chevy. One of the upper classman gave some of us gals a ride home in his '57 Chevy and boy was that a thrill.
It was struggling with college prep courses, new friends, having crushes never spoken of, what to wear, passing notes in the hall and study hall, worrying about how your hair looked and changing your "D" grade to a "B" grade, since they were hand written so your parents wouldn't know you were not doing so well after all.
Who could forget calling everyone by their name and adding Baby to it. So everyone was Carol Baby, Chris Baby and so on. That was Chris Nelson by the way!
Walking around and around the hall before school started just to say hello to everyone or catch the eye of someone you had a crush on, and then getting on the other side of walking traffic to see who you missed. LOL
My heart throb was Palmer Reese aka Pee Wee Reese. Wouldn't you know, he finally married after we graduated to another "Carol" I will not die until I see him again. LOL..............I missed him at our 30th reunion as he came in from PA but had to leave before I could see him. I went to the picnic at Gary & Irene Jacob's house and he was not there. He had to leave right after the reunion night. If you read this Palmer e-mail me at That goes for anyone looking for me. :)
We had the school spirit that is for sure. But then look who led us! They were cute, athletic and full of school spirit. The PEP rallies were awesome.
Finally got the hang of it by mid term junior year. Choir was a must as I was a singer and in special groups all my school years. That led to Madrigal try outs! Whew, stuffed up nose and horrible cold I tried out and my voice blended with the others. I got to wear the "Pam Burrel" red velvet dress from the former year. It fit perfect. I made the dress Barb Daly wore of green satin and dark green velvet. I sang my heart out the rest of my high school days.
Mr. Margelli, of course became one of my favorite teachers and I was his pet.... (peeve) LOL An inspiration to us all I believe. He was calming to us all when we were in his class the day the announcement came over the PA system that President John F. Kennedy had been assassinated.
Madrigals became well known our senior year. We made the front page of the magazine section of the TNT in full color in front of the old Brown Castle. I still have that section preserved. We had many performances. Perhaps that is why I am such a ham today. LOL I loved our regal entrances.
I carried a wreath from the front entrance of Stadium out to the courtyard and down the front steps for our Memorial Day celebration in my senior year.
We wore all white dresses.
Also became a Tigeranna, one of the tallest in our group. Experienced marching in the Daffodil Parade, at football games, and at basketball games.
We were a sharp group in my opinion. I remember when we performed at half time at the football game at Lincoln bowl and I got a cat call from Jerry Freano, something about our short skirts and I turned around and slapped him in his face. That was the end of that. I walked away. LOL. The things we Remember.
Attending Stadium and graduating with flying colors in 1964 was a time of honor, integrity and just plain clean fun. Our class mates excelled in activities that represented our school. We had the spirit, determination to succeed and loyalty to each other. These memories I have not forgotten and are fun to tell the grandchildren all about them.
I hated swimming because we had to wear those ugly rubber swimming caps. It messed our hair up. Now days you don't have to wear them. Strange how dress codes have changed. Girls did not wear pants to school. No way! The boys certainly looked "Preppie." The flat top hair cuts and black horned rim glasses and white dress shirts mostly. The lettermen and their sweaters was a turn on. But what did we know about that until later in our years.
LOL What about the sock hops...................
RP Johnson a history/civics teacher was a well known name around the school. Who could keep awake during his lectures? I remember in my senior year just about everyone in the class cheated on a test because it had gotten passed around from earlier classes or someone who had it earlier gave it to someone. I for one did not do it. I was afraid of being caught. I think the only thing I did was write on the paper that I could not complete the test because I had not studied. Of course I failed the test. LOL
I adored Jack Hart, who I went to school with since grade school and none other than Jim Darland, everyone's heart throb since first grade. LOL...............
We were all pretty good kids back then, and those who did not seem like they would succeed did and many who had the potential to succeed in life, did not. Nonetheless, we made it to graduation.
I was proud to walk down the aisle at the filed house of the University of Puget Sound When I went to the stage to get my diploma Mr. Hayes our Principal said I had a job with the school district the next coming fall to work part time at good ole' Stadium High School. I had been an office assistant and they were impressed. Yahoo! I was so happy! I got to be around Stadium one more year and got paid for it, as, are you ready for this..........
"Confidential Secretary to the College Counselor" Miss Forbes!
Yes I was the one who figured out the grade point averages for the class of 1965, which my sister Barbara Fritz graduated from. See her memory write up! I even joined a gym class that was doing dance. Just to keep up the figure!
I remember singing in the senior talent show. I was scared to death and nervous, but I said a prayer. I made the black satin long sleeveless dress with a slit at the side that I made and wore long black gloves and rhinestone necklace and earrings. Ah back in the days! I sang "Black Black Black is the Color of My True Loves Hair" chosen by Mr. Margelli for me to sing. I had three verses and chorus to get through. I did it with style.
Does anyone remember that? When I think of it I would have sung something else like "You Give Me Fever"! by Peggy Lee. LOL but we had a code back in those days. LOL. Yes I could have been a torch singer. LOL.
I skipped school one day only in my entire school days. I was a sophomore.
Don't you just know it, I got caught my good ole' Mom. Yes, it was Chris Nelson and I. She instigated it and planned it. We went to school and caught the bus to downtown and then to Seattle of all places. Went to a five and dime and then to a movie with seedy characters with rain coats on.
I was scared. We made it home in time for school dismissal and boy was I glad to get home. LOL
My husband now, had the privilege of emptying and moving contents of our school to the site where Stadium was to be held until the completion of the renovation. He was in awe of our "Ole Brown Castle". He had never seen anything like it as he came from the smallest country in West Africa, called The Gambia. He has raved about it to his countryman!
Yes Stadium High School brings nothing but fond long lasting memories to my mind. See you at the 100th Celebration.
Carol Fritz (Dukuray)
Class of 1964
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